The schedule for the October-November sessions has been finalized.
Please see "NEWS" and "Session list" page for details.

We don’t issue any certificate of participation to TGSW 2021.

Tsukuba Global Science Week 2021 Opening Remarks by the President


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As the pace of globalization continues unabated, we have come to witness a range of “global issues” – climate change and global warming, biodiversity, world hunger and poverty, environmental degradation, food security, human trafficking, terrorism, etc. – that call for worldwide collaboration of scientists for solutions. Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) was conceived and launched as a platform for sharing the latest research results, carrying out transdisciplinary conversations, and providing an impetus for action to deal with such intractable problems.

With the University of Tsukuba as its principal host, TGSW is held in Tsukuba Science City – Japan’s largest science city and a global hub for science and technology. The construction of the City had begun in the late 1960s as a major national project to establish a hub for research institutes and other organizations, both newly created and transplanted from Tokyo to carry out world-class research. Tsukuba Science City is now a proud host of over 30% of the country’s research institutes and related organizations with more than 20,000 researchers from all over the world, engaged in cutting-edge research ranging from next-generation cancer therapy, innovative medicine, natural energy, robotics to nanotechnology, among others.

The scope of TGSW is indeed broad and far-reaching. By bringing together internationally renowned researchers, and aspiring young researchers and students based in Tsukuba and much beyond, it covers a whole variety of topics, promoting lively exchanges, regardless of borders and disciplines. It also serves as an ideal international networking opportunity for transdisciplinary, trans-organizational and trans-border collaborations.

The TGSW2021, the 11th time in total, will be held online to bring world’s knowledge together in Tsukuba

Organized by University of Tsukuba

1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8577, Japan

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