Session detail

Closed Sessions


Normality 5.0: Form and Adaptation through Art and Design

Session No. 4-7
Title Normality 5.0: Form and Adaptation through Art and Design
Session organizer McLEOD Gary (Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba)
Date & Time Saturday, September 11th 13:00-18:00
Location Zoom. Please register to receive the invitation link.

As with all fields, Art and Design face the challenge of adapting to what is commonly referred to as ‘the new normal’ following the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Recognizing complexity of the ‘old’ normal and balancing that with new technologies, new trends and new information is at the core of much art, design, theory and practice. Adapting invites revisiting, re-making, re-doing, re-enacting, reconsidering and rewriting, but without ignoring the lessons that all previous ‘normals’ teach us. In this session, we will explore how Art and Design contribute to innovation through thinking, making and writing about our global and local normal. At TGSW2021, we will organize online international sessions including a keynote speech and oral presentations. A session of student-delivered lightning talks (2–3 minute presentations) will also be held. We are calling for papers on topics specifically related to the session theme, but broader topics related to the subject of Art and Design are also welcome. Abstracts will all be reviewed by the Review Committee comprising our faculty and external reviewers/scholars from industries, governmental organizations, and other academic fields.

Welcome "to" Tsukuba
13:00–13:15 Welcome and Dean Greeting
13:15–13:30 Introduction to the theme
Session 1: Things
13:30–13:45 Yosuke Hamada – Earthworks and Gallery System: Relationships between Michael Heizer and His Collaborators
13:45–14:00 Dr. Kirstin L. Ellsworth – Khalili Nader’s Super Adobes and Do-It-Yourself (D.I.Y.) Design for the 21st Century
14:00–14:15 Kozue Handa – Adaptation of In-person School Program for Appreciating Sculptures through Touch: a Case Study
14:15-14:30 Cheng Tung Yi – Gender differences in the degree of willingness to self-disclose robots of different anthropomorphic levels
14:30–14:45 BREAK
Lightning Talks
14:45–15:30 We will hear from a range of practitioners about how they survived creatively during the pandemic. Presentations comprise only 9 slides.
15:30–15:45 BREAK
Session 2: Tales
15:45–16:00 Makoto Komatsu – Heroes, Gods, and Ancestors. On the Images of the Nameless Ancestral Athenians in the Archaic and Classical Periods
16:00–16:15 Beverley Curran, PhD – The Zeitgeist in Intersemiotic Translation: Adaptation during the Covid pandemic
16:15–16:30 Marita Ibañez – Travelling Home During a Pandemic: Digital Reconstructions of Landscapes and Memories of a Peruvian Migrant through Community Photography
16:30–16:45 N. Toros Mutlu, Ph.D. – A Place for Everything When Everything in Its Place: An Invitation to Consider the Photobooks as Autonomous Works of Art
16:45–17:00 BREAK
Keynote lecture
17:00–18:00 SPACE WINDOWS: Perceptions from time propelled photographs
Ricard Martínez, Arqueologia del Punt de vista
18:00–18:30 Concluding remarks and audience reflections.

Keynote speaker: Ricard Martínez [Arqueologia del Punt de vista]

Ricard Martínez is a photographer, researcher and founder of Arqueologia del Punt de Vista. He is concerned on the perception of the present, through the analysis of documentary records of the past. Most of his work is based mainly on Rephotography. He has given lectures, seminars and courses of this photographic specialty. He directed and produced several photographic installations in public spaces. He also works on documentation and digitization of founds and collections, with archivistic and exhibition purposes. See Resources ↓ for more information.


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