Session detail

Closed Sessions


Universe Evolution and Matter Origin

Session No. 4-11
Title Universe Evolution and Matter Origin
Session organizer ShinIchi Esumi (Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
Date & Time 11 Sep 2021 (Sat.) 12:50-21:10 (JST)
Location Online
Live stream will be announced to the participants

In order to answer various questions in basic natural science especially about the evolution of the universe and the origin of matter, University of Tsukuba has formed a basic science research center “Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe” (TCHoU) in Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences. TCHoU includes the following 4 divisions; (1) Antarctic Astronomy, (2) Elementary Particles, (3) Quark Nuclear Matters, and (4) Photon and Particle Detectors. These 4 divisions are trying to cooperate together to find out the “dark-” matter, energy and galaxies and to understand the origin of matter, phase transition and structure formation as well as their fluctuation and evolution. This session is to share the understanding of our fields and to discuss about the next step.

The program agenda is here, below within this page including some photo faces of speakers and chairs.

                          |  central Europe  |        India            |       Japan  
1st session    |   05:50 – 08:10    |  09:20 – 11:40  |  12:50 – 15:10  
2nd session  |   08:40 – 10:50    |  12:10 – 14:20  |  15:40 – 17:50  
3rd session   |   11:20 – 14:10    |  14:50 – 17:40  |  18:20 – 21:10  

Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (TCHoU) home page
University of Tsukuba home page

Early Afternoon Session 1, Chair : Yuji Takeuchi, Univ. of Tsukuba
12:50-13:00 Opening (Nario Kuno, Univ. of Tsukuba)
13:00-13:30 Developments toward Photon Counting Terahertz Interferometry (Hiroshi Matsuo, NAOJ)
13:30-14:10 Neutrino less double beta decay overview (Saori Umehara, Osaka Univ.)
14:10-14:40 Critical points in strongly-interacting media (Masakiyo Kitazawa, Osaka Univ.)
14:40-15:10 QCD Phase Structure and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (Bedangadas Mohanty, NISER, India)
Late Afternoon Session 2, Chair : Akira Ozawa, Univ. of Tsukuba
15:40-16:20 Matter-Antimatter asymmetry of the Universe and Leptogenesis (Koichi Hamaguchi, Univ. of Tokyo)
16:20-16:35 Precision experiments of exotic nuclei at the storage rings (Takayuki Yamaguchi, Saitama Univ.)
16:35-16:50 Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) Upgrade Project in ALICE for LHC Run-4 (Tatsuya Chujo, Univ. of Tsukuba)
16:50-17:20 MKID Camera for Nobeyama 45-m Radio Telescope (Makoto Nagai, NAOJ)
17:20-17:50 Accelerator-based physics experiments pioneered by superconducting TES microcalorimeters (Shinji Okada, Chubu Univ.)
Evening Session 3, Chair : Kazuhiko Hara, Univ. of Tsukuba
18:20-18:50 The CI lines as probes of average H2 gas conditions and mass in galaxies (Padelis Peter Papadopoulos, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece)
18:50-19:20 New silicon technologies for the LHC (Daniela Bortoletto, Univ. of Oxford, UK)
19:20-19:50 Superconducting detectors for Astrophysics (Alessandro Monfardini, Institut Neel, France)
19:50-20:20 Nuclear astrophysics experiments with stored highly-charged ions: Latest experiments at GSI (Yury Litvinov, GSI, Germany)
20:20-21:00 The Higgs boson — an endeavor towards precision (Karsten Köneke, Univ. of Freiburg, Germany)
21:00-21:10 Closing (Fumihiko Ukegawa, Univ. of Tsukuba)

Yuji Takeuchi

Early Afternoon Session 1, Session Chair

Nario Kuno

Early Afternoon Session 1, Opening Talk

Hiroshi Matsuo

Early Afternoon Session 1, Talk #1

Saori Umehara

Early Afternoon Session 1, Talk #2

Masakiyo Kitazawa

Early Afternoon Session 1, Talk #3

Bedangadas Mohanty

Early Afternoon Session 1, Talk #4

Koichi Hamaguchi

Late Afternoon Session 2, Talk #1

Tatsuya Chujo

Late Afternoon Session 2, Talk #3

Makoto Nagai

Late Afternoon Session 2, Talk #4

Shinji Okada

Late Afternoon Session 2, Talk #5

Kazuhiko Hara

Evening Session 3, Session Chair

Padelis Peter Papadopoulos

Evening Session 3, Talk #1

Daniela Bortoletto

Evening Session 3, Talk #2

Alessandro Monfardini

Evening Session 3, Talk #3

Yury Litvinov

Evening Session 3, Talk #4

Karsten Köneke

Evening Session 3, Talk #5

ShinIchi Esumi

Session Organizer


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