- 開催日時:
- 実施形式:
ハイブリッド形式(つくば国際会議場) Online /
Tsukuba International Congress Center - 参加費:
- 無料 Free of charge
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022(TGSW2022)を開催 Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022 (TGSW2022) Held
TGSW2022 オープニングプレナリーを開催しました!TGSW2022 Opening Plenary Held!
【How do you actually join an online session?】【オンラインセッションへのアクセス方法】
【Notice of Postponement of the Session 2-5 】【セッション2-5開催延期のお知らせ】
【Notice of change of speaker for the Opening Plenary】【オープニングプレナリー 講演者変更のお知らせ】
【セッション2-1 開催日程変更のお知らせ(日時決定)】(9/23更新)【Notice of Change of the date and time from Session 2-1】(9/23 updated)
【セッション2-1より 開催日程変更のお知らせ】【Notice of Change of the date and time from Session 2-1】
筑波大学ポッドキャスト 番外編「TGSW2022スペシャル ♯1」が公開されました
Registration is now open!! 参加登録受付開始
急速なグローバル化により、人類は、一国・一地域で解決することができない「地球規模課題」を抱えるようになりました。その解決には、様々な分野の専門家の協力が必要とされています。筑波大学では、多岐にわたる学術分野の最先端の研究成果を共有し、より良い未来を実現するための方策を議論する場として、筑波研究学園都市においてTsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW)を開催しています。
As the pace of globalization continues unabated, humankind has come to face global challenges that cannot be solved by one country or one region. The solutions require worldwide collaboration of experts in various fields. The University of Tsukuba has organized Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) since 2010 in Tsukuba Science City as a platform for discussion about measures to create a better future by sharing cutting-edge research results in a wide variety of disciplines.
The construction of Tsukuba Science City began in the late 1960s as a major national project to establish a hub for research institutes and other organizations, both newly created and relocated from Tokyo, to carry out world-class research and education. Over its half-century history, it has steadily built up achievements as a worldwide hub city for science and technology, including the production of Nobel prize winners from Tsukuba, and is now the largest science city in Japan with more than 20,000 researchers. The University of Tsukuba, which opened here in 1973, has played a central role since the dawn of the city.
TGSW brings together a wide range of international researchers including experts and graduate students to Tsukuba Science City and aims to provide a platform for building global networks of collaboration by holding discussions beyond borders and disciplines as well as for carrying out knowledge creation backed by a high level of research and lively discussions for solving global challenges here in Tsukuba.

開催日程Date and Time | 2022年9月26日(月)- 30日(金)(5日間) Septemer 26 (Mon.) - 30 (Fri.), 2022 (5 days) |
実施形式Format |
ハイブリッド形式(オンライン及び対面会場) ※9月26日(月)、27日(火)はオンラインセッションのみ Hybrid(Online/Tsukuba International Congress Center) ※Online sessions only on Monday, Sept.26 and Tuesday, Sept.27. |
主催Organizer | 筑波大学 University of Tsukuba |
後援Support | 内閣府、文部科学省、経済産業省、茨城県、つくば市 Cabinet Office, MEXT, METI, Ibaraki Prefecture Government, Tsukuba City |
会場案内Venue Information
対面会場Venue | つくば国際会議場 Tsukuba International Congress Center |
住所Address |
〒305-0032 茨城県つくば市竹園2-20-3 2-20-3 Takezono, Tsukuba City Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0032 |
アクセスAccess | アクセスマップ |