Greeting from President

NAGATA Kyosuke
President, University of Tsukuba
It is my great pleasure to welcome everyone to Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022. We are very delighted to be able to bring everyone together for the twelfth time.
In 2019, we launched the Tsukuba Conference which has a similar spirit to that of TGSW. For instance, young scholars are showcased and highlighted in both. TGSW is a stage to discuss research and its contribution to society, while the Tsukuba Conference, whose main theme is “science and society,” provides a platform to debate social needs and the research necessary to meet these needs.
The past two TGSW events were held online to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus; however, with the high rate of vaccination and establishment of measures to prevent the spread of the infection, TGSW 2022 will be held in a hybrid format with face-to-face and online sessions. As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our university's establishment and the 151st anniversary of our predecessor next year, I hope that TGSW 2022 will provide an opportunity and place for lively discussions and exchange across an even wider range of fields, countries and regions.
The history of the University of Tsukuba extends over 150 years to when the Meiji government established modern Japan’s first institution of higher education, a national teacher-training school. We were reborn as a comprehensive research-oriented institution of higher education when we were relocated from Tokyo to Tsukuba nearly five decades ago in October 1973.
Since its founding, the University of Tsukuba has aimed to be open to society and the world, and to pursue transdisciplinary education and research. In accordance with these principles, we are delighted to host TGSW which gathers together participants not only from a diverse range of academic fields but also from many different countries. Initially focusing on the medical sciences, TGSW has evolved to address a wide variety of fields ranging from the natural sciences to the humanities with participation from prominent researchers from more than 30 different countries.
TGSW is a platform to introduce world-class research conducted jointly by our faculty members with fellow scientists throughout the globe, including those in public and quasi-public institutions based in Tsukuba Science City and at our international partners. But TGSW is more than that. It is a platform to proactively discuss solutions for solving diverse global issues such as those related not only to the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to broader issues such as public health, food scarcity, the energy crisis, environmental risks, never-ending wars, and poverty. Solving these challenges requires trans-border collaboration for innovation so that the greater community of scientists, regardless of disciplines, citizenship, ethnicity, gender, faith, or world view, can join forces to work closely together. TGSW can serve as an invaluable forum for exchanging views on how to address these challenges in a way that breaks down traditionally conceived barriers.
Thus, the scope of TGSW is indeed broad and far reaching. By bringing together internationally renowned researchers and young aspiring researchers and students throughout the world, it covers a wide range of topics and facilitates active exchanges across borders and disciplines. TGSW is also an ideal international networking opportunity for transdisciplinary, trans-organizational and trans-border collaboration.
The pandemic, which has wreaked havoc across the globe over the last two years, is gradually coming under control by the wisdom and actions of humankind. We must now try to construct new social systems and lifestyles to be able to promptly cope with the next pandemic. At this extraordinary time, when the world is facing such important shared challenges, deepening diverse academic discussions and networks is the paramount mission of TGSW. This year we are hosting TGSW both in online and face-to-face formats. Taking advantage of these formats, we welcome the participation of a much wider audience beyond all borders.
In closing, I would like to thank all of you for your participation and sincerely hope that the range of sessions on offer will create fruitful conversations for us all.
Greeting from President

筑波大学長永田 恭介
2019年に、TGSWと基本的な考え方、たとえば若手中心という考え方、を同じくする「筑波会議」を新たに立ち上げました。TGSWが研究の側から社会への還元を大きな視点とするのに対して、「筑波会議」は科学と社会というメインテーマを掲げて、社会の側から研究を見つめるといった様態となっています。 過去2回のTGSWは新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防止するためにオンライン開催となりましたが、ワクチン接種の普及や感染拡大防止策の定着により、TGSW2022は3年ぶりに対面形式を取り入れた開催となります。会場での熱い議論のみならず、来年迎える本学の建学50周年/創基151年に向けて、さらに広範な分野・国と地域との交流の場と機会になることを期待しています。
TGSWは、本学のみならず筑波研究学園都市を拠点とする国公立等の機関や海外の協定校を含め、世界最高水準の研究を紹介する場であり、世界の研究者との交流の場となっています。しかし、TGSWはそれだけではありません。激動するグローバル化した社会における境界のない問題について積極的に議論します。まさに蔓延した新型コロナウイルス感染症のみならず広く公衆衛生に関わる問題、食糧危機、エネルギー問題、環境リスク、果てしない戦争、貧困など、地球規模の様々な課題の解決に向けた議論です。これらの課題を解決するには、国境を越えたイノベーションのためのコラボレーションが必要であり、専門分野、市民権、民族、性別、信仰、世界観などに関係なく、より大きな科学者のコミュニティが集まり、密接に協力しなければなりません。 TGSWは、既存のあらゆる障壁を打ちり破ることにより、これらの課題にどうやって対応するかについて意見を交換するための貴重なフォーラムとして機能しています。