
Tsukuba Digital-Bio International Center ”The Future of Healthcare through Digital, AI, and Data Science” つくばデジタルバイオ国際拠点~デジタル・AI・データサイエンスがもたらす医療の未来~

Focusing on data science, we will introduce medical research using digital and AI technologies in Japan and abroad. We hope to discuss research results and perspectives and share knowledge about the future in digital and AI-based data science and medicine with experts from Japan and abroad.
By doing so, we hope to explore new possibilities for the intersection of advanced technology and medicine, and to contribute to the future of medicine.
In this session, we will introduce the Cyber Medicine Research Center, which was established in 2024, and our future collaboration.

Session 2-1 Introduction Movie TGSW2024


Session 2-1 セッション紹介動画 TGSW2024


  • Nishiyama Hiroyuki
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) Medicine 筑波大学 医学医療系教授
  • Tetsuya Sakurai
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) AI Research, Computer Science 筑波大学 システム情報系教授
  • Toshinori Moriga
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) Medicine 筑波大学 医学医療系特命教授
  • Hiroko Isoda
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) Life Sciences, Cell Biology, Food Sciences 筑波大学 生命環境系教授
  • Yasunori Futamura
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) AI Research, Computer Science 筑波大学 システム情報系助教
  • Mai Takagi
    National Institute for Environmental Studies (JAPAN) Chemistry, Medicine, Agriculture 国立環境研究所
  • Satomi Yoshida
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) Medicine 筑波大学 医学医療系教授
  • Hidenori Takahashi
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) Medicine 筑波大学 医学医療系教授
  • Takafumi Miyamoto
    University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) Medicine 筑波大学 医学医療系助教
  • Li-Chen Fu
    National Taiwan University (Taiwan) Electrical Engineering 国立台湾大学
  • Christoffer Nellåker
    University of Oxford (UK) Computational Biology オックスフォード大学
  • Bartek Papiez
    University of Oxford (UK) Medical Imaging and Machine Learning オックスフォード大学

Time Table

時刻Time タイトルTitle スピーカーSpeaker 所属Affiliation
14:00 - 14:05 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks Dr. Toshinori Moriga 森賀 俊典 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
14:05 - 14:30 Data Science of the Tsukuba Digital-Bio International Center Data Science of the Tsukuba Digital-Bio International Center Dr. Mai Takagi 高木 麻衣 National Institute for Environmental Studies 国立環境研究所
・Introduction of the Tsukuba Digital-Bio International Center ・Introduction of the Tsukuba Digital-Bio International Center Dr. Mai Takagi 高木 麻衣 National Institute for Environmental Studies 国立環境研究所
・Spectral methods for dimensionality reduction, clustering, and network embedding in biomedical data analysis ・Spectral methods for dimensionality reduction, clustering, and network embedding in biomedical data analysis Dr. Yasunori Futamura 二村 保徳 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
14:30 - 15:00 Cooperation with the Cybermedicine Research Center Cooperation with the Cybermedicine Research Center Dr. Hiroyuki Nishiyama 西山 博之 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
・Introduction of the Cybermedicine Research Center ・Introduction of the Cybermedicine Research Center Dr. Hiroyuki Nishiyama 西山 博之 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
・Ophthalmic AI Research and Cybermedicine Research Center’s Future Aims ・Ophthalmic AI Research and Cybermedicine Research Center’s Future Aims Dr. Hidenori Takahashi 髙橋 秀徳 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
・Epidemiological studies using routinely collected health and medical databases ・Epidemiological studies using routinely collected health and medical databases Dr. Satomi Yoshida 吉田 都美 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
15:00 - 15:10 Break Time Break Time
15:10 - 15:30 International Joint Research: National Taiwan University International Joint Research: National Taiwan University Dr. Tetsuya Sakurai 櫻井 鉄也 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
・Deep Social Robots for Elderly Care ・Deep Social Robots for Elderly Care Dr. Li-Chen Fu 傅 立成 National Taiwan Univ. 国立台湾大学
15:30 - 16:30 International Joint Research: Oxford University International Joint Research: Oxford University Dr. Hiroko Isoda 礒田 博子 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
・Label-free imaging of cellular organization in living mammalian cells via external apodization phase-contrast microscopy ・Label-free imaging of cellular organization in living mammalian cells via external apodization phase-contrast microscopy Dr. Takafumi Miyamoto 宮本 崇史 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
・Mapping cell-to-tissue graphs across human placenta histology whole slide images using deep learning with HAPPY ・Mapping cell-to-tissue graphs across human placenta histology whole slide images using deep learning with HAPPY Dr. Christoffer Nellåker Dr. Christoffer Nellåker Univ. of Oxford オックスフォード大学
・Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning through Data Collaboration Technology ・Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning through Data Collaboration Technology Dr. Tetsuya Sakurai 櫻井 鉄也 Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学
・AI/ML and biomedical imaging for longitudinal disease monitoring ・AI/ML and biomedical imaging for longitudinal disease monitoring Dr. Bartek Papiez Dr. Bartek Papiez Univ. of Oxford オックスフォード大学
16:30 - 16:50 Panel Discussions With All Presenters Panel Discussions With All Presenters
16:50 - 16:55 Closing Remarks Closing Remarks