
Tsukuba Conference Session: Going into New Frontiers with Society - Frontier Science and Technology for a Better Future Society 筑波会議セッション:社会とともに新たなフロンティアを開拓する-より良い未来社会のためのフロンティア科学技術

The action of each research institution in Tsukuba Science City will be introduced from the perspective of exploring the research frontiers, and through a panel discussion comprising panelists from the institutions in each position, the acceleration of projects through collaboration between related institutions will be discussed.
The possibilities and the goals we should aim for as a research academy in Tsukuba Science City will be discussed.
Furthermore, this session will be positioned as an opportunity to identify issues for the Tsukuba Conference 2025.



  • Dr. YAMASHITA Takuzo
    National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, NIED,Dr. Eng., Chief Researcher 防災科研 地震減災実験研究部門 主任研究員
  • Dr. SANO Tomomi
    National research and Development Agency Building Research Institute, BRI,Ph.D. Eng., Research Scientist 建築研究所 環境研究グループ 研究員
  • Prof. SANKAI Yoshiyuki
    CYBERDYN Inc. CEO, University of Tsukuba SIP Program, Cabinet Office CYBERDYNE社 CEO、筑波大学、内閣府戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム
  • Prof. SAKAMOTO Mizuki
    University of Tsukuba,Plasma Research Center, Director 筑波大学 プラズマ研究センター
  • Prof. LEOPOLD, Pierre
    Institut Curie,Research Unit Director Curie研究所 Research Unit Director