
Universe Evolution and Matter Origin 宇宙の進化と物質の起源

In order to answer various questions in basic natural science especially about the evolution of the universe and the origin of matter, University of Tsukuba has formed a basic science research center “Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe” (TCHoU) in Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences.
TCHoU includes the following 4 divisions; (1)Antarctic Astronomy, (2)Elementary Particles, (3)Quark Nuclear Matters, and (4)Photon and Particle Detectors.
These 4 divisions are trying to cooperate together to find out the “dark-” matter, energy and galaxies and to understand the origin of matter, phase transition and structure formation as well as their fluctuation and evolution.
This session is to share the understanding of our fields and to discuss about the next step.

Session 4-1 Introduction Movie TGSW2024


Session 4-1 セッション紹介動画 TGSW2024
