
Challenges and Prospects for Cancer Treatment in a Super-aged Society 超高齢化社会のがん治療の課題と展望

Today, we are entering a super-aged society in the world, with an increasing incidence of cancer among the elderly, and the treatment of this disease is facing multifaceted challenges.
The latest technologies are advancing remarkably, and the evolution of non-invasive therapies such as biomarkers, immunotherapy, and even endoscopic therapy is outstanding.
However, there are also challenges to the dissemination and implementation of these technologies.
They require advanced skills and facility equipments, which tends to cause an imbalance in resources.
In addition, cultural and social backgrounds generate disparities in access to these treatments.
To address these challenges, it is important for us to seek best way and improve the quality and equity of medical care through international cooperation sharing from a global perspective.
We will discuss these challenges across borders in this session and look into the future of cancer treatment for the elderly.

Session 4-13 Introduction Movie TGSW2024


Session 4-13 セッション紹介動画 TGSW2024


  • NAGATA Kyosuke
    President, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 学長
    Director, Universiy of Tsukuba Hospital, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学附属病院 病院長
  • ODA Tatsuya
    Vice Director, Universiy of Tsukuba Hospital, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学附属病院 副病院長
  • ICHIMURA Hideo
    Professor, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba (Thoracic Surgery) 筑波大学 医学医療系 教授(呼吸器外科)
  • NAKAJIMA Takahito
    Professor, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba (Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology) 筑波大学 医学医療系 教授(放射線診断・IVR科)
  • TSUCHIYA Kiichiro
    Professor, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba (Gastroenterology) 筑波大学 医学医療系 教授(消化器内科)
  • KATAURA Tetsushi
    Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba (Neurology) 筑波大学 医学医療系 助教(神経内科)
  • ISHIKAWA Renato
    Council Chairman, Santa Cruz Japanese Hospital サンタクルス日本病院 評議会議長
  • NISHIKUNI Koshiro
    President Director, Santa Cruz Japanese Hospital (Neurosurgery) サンタクルス日本病院 理事長(脳神経外科)
  • NISHIMURA Mariana
    Physician, Santa Cruz Japanese Hospital (Endoscopy) サンタクルス日本病院 医師(内視鏡科)
  • OKAMOTO Teruhiko
    Physician, Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro (Diagnostic Radiology) 日伯友好病院 医師(放射線診断科)
  • IKUTA M Yuji
    Physician, Hospital Amazonia (General Medicine) アマゾニア病院 医師(総合診療科)

Time Table

時刻Time タイトルTitle スピーカーSpeaker 所属Affiliation
10:00 - 10:05 Opening Remark 開会挨拶 HIRAMATSU Yuji 平松 祐司 Director, Universiy of Tsukuba Hospital 筑波大学附属病院 病院長
10:05 - 10:15 Autophagy as an anti-ageing programme 加齢の分子機構ーオートファジーによる防御ー KATAURA Tetsushi 片浦 哲志 Assistant Professor, Neurology, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 医学医療系 助教(神経内科)
10:15 - 10:25 Photoimmunotherapy: Novel cancer treatment by weak NIR irradiation 低侵襲治療としての近赤外線光免疫療法 NAKAJIMA Takahito 中島 崇仁 Professor, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 医学医療系 教授(放射線診断・IVR科)
10:25 - 10:35 Towards overcoming ulcerative colitis-associated cancer using in vitro human models. ヒト体外モデルを用いた潰瘍性大腸炎付随癌の克服に向けて TSUCHIYA Kiichiro 土屋 輝一郎 Professor, Gastroenterology, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 医学医療系 教授(消化器内科)
10:35 - 10:45 The importance of international cooperation for the formation of an oncology center of excellence. 中核的がんセンター構築のための国際協力の重要性 NISHIKUNI Koshiro 西国 幸四郎 President Director, Santa Cruz Japanese Hospital (Neurosurgery) サンタクルス日本病院 理事長(脳神経外科)
10:45 - 10:55 Training Results Report 研修成果報告 NISHIMURA Mariana NISHIMURA Mariana Physician, Santa Cruz Japanese Hospital (Endoscopy) サンタクルス日本病院 医師(内視鏡科)
10:55 - 11:05 Training Results Report 研修成果報告 OKAMOTO Teruhiko OKAMOTO Teruhiko Physician, Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro (Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology) 日伯友好病院 医師(放射線診断科)
11:05 - 11:15 Training Results Report 研修成果報告 IKUTA M Yuji IKUTA M Yuji Physician, Hospital Amazonia (General Medicine) アマゾニア病院 医師(総合診療科)
11:15 - 11:20 Closing Remark 閉会挨拶 NAGATA Kyosuke 永田 恭介 President, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 学長
11:20 - 11:25 Closing Remark 閉会挨拶 ISHIKAWA Renato 石川 レナト Council Chairman, Santa Cruz Japanese Hospital サンタクルス日本病院 評議会議長
11:25 - 11:30 Closing Remark 閉会挨拶 ODA Tatsuya 小田 竜也 Vice Director, Universiy of Tsukuba Hospital, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学附属病院 副病院長