
Academic Writing Centers in Japan: Possibilities and Challenges 日本の大学におけるアカデミックライティングセンターの可能性と課題

This session is hosted by University of Tsukuba, Academic Writing Support Desk, and it focuses on the possibilities and challenges of academic writing centers.
It will introduce the activities of three writing centers that aim to cultivate autonomous writers and consider what is necessary to enhance students' writing abilities.
By sharing the challenges faced by each writing center, participants will exchange views on how the centers can develop in the future.
The keynote address will be given by Professor Scott Slovic, providing an opportunity to learn what is necessary to develop better writers.
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the key components necessary for fostering great writers.

Session 4-2 Introduction Movie TGSW2024

本セッションは、筑波大学Academic Writing Support Deskが主催し、アカデミックライティングセンターの可能性と課題に焦点を置く。
また、それぞれのライティングセンターが抱える課題も共有することで、今後どのように発展できるか意見を交換する。基調講演では、Scott Slovic先生を招待し、より良い書き手を育成するために何が必要か、参加者と共に考える機会とする。

Session 4-2 セッション紹介動画 TGSW2024


  • Scott Slovic
    Senior Scientist, Oregon Research Institute; Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho Senior Scientist, Oregon Research Institute; Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho.
  • Nguyen Bao
    Waseda University Waseda University
  • Tatsuro Tahara
    Waseda University Waseda University
  • Paul Lai
    Nagoya University Nagoya University


時刻Time タイトルTitle スピーカーSpeaker 所属Affiliation
13:00 - 13:10 The aim of this event The aim of this event
13:10 - 13:30 "Administration of the Waseda University Writing Center: Focusing on its Principles and Practices" "Administration of the Waseda University Writing Center: Focusing on its Principles and Practices" Nguyen Bao and Tatsuro Tahara Nguyen Bao and Tatsuro Tahara Waseda University Waseda University
13:30 - 13:50 “How We Teach Academic Writing at Nagoya University Writing Center.” “How We Teach Academic Writing at Nagoya University Writing Center.” Paul Lai Paul Lai Nagoya University Nagoya University
13:50 - 14:10 “Looking Back to Move Forward: Reflective Insights on AWSD’s Tutor Training” “Looking Back to Move Forward: Reflective Insights on AWSD’s Tutor Training” Ng Lay Sion Ng Lay Sion University of Tsukuba University of Tsukuba
14:10 - 14:15 Break Break
14:15 - 14:40 Discussion Discussion
14:40 - 15:20 “‘I am a writer’: A Few Simple Strategies for Empowering and Exciting Student Writers” “‘I am a writer’: A Few Simple Strategies for Empowering and Exciting Student Writers” Scott Slovic Scott Slovic Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho, and Senior Scientist, Oregon Research Institute Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho, and Senior Scientist, Oregon Research Institute
15:20 - Closing Closing