
The 2nd JV-Campus Crossover Innovation 第2回 JV-Campusクロスオーバーイノベーション

In March 2022, an international online higher education platform called “JV-Campus” was launched under the project supported by MEXT, Japan.
JV-Campus serves as an international gateway for higher education in Japan. It aims not just to complete education online but to create a mechanism where international students actually come to study in Japan and Japanese students go abroad for their studies.
This platform will become a borderless space for interaction and activities among learners, universities, and corporations both within Japan and internationally, as well as local governments and other entities.
In this session, we will discuss the potential for innovation that JV-Campus’s crossover nature brings, through examples of activities with overseas universities and corporations.

Session 4-3 Introduction Movie TGSW2024
Session 4-3 JV-Campus Crossover Innovation (2nd) Leaflet


Session 4-3 セッション紹介動画 TGSW2024


Time Table

時刻Time タイトルTitle スピーカーSpeaker 所属Affiliation
14:00 - 14:10 Opening Remarks オープニング
14:10 - 14:20 Greetings ご挨拶1 Toshiyuki Kasagi 笠木敏行校長  Principal, Oita Prefectural Kunisaki High School 大分県立国東高等学校
14:20 - 14:30 Introduction of JV-Campus(Way to Crossover Innovation) ご挨拶2 OHNIWA Ryosuke 大庭 良介教授 Professor, University of Tsukuba. Project Leader, Japan Virtual Campus. Chair, JV-Campus Steering Committee, Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities. 大学の国際化促進フォーラムJV-Campus運営委員会委員長 / 筑波大学JV-Campusプロジェクトリーダー
14:30 - 14:40 Review of JV-Campus Crossover innovation JV-Campus Crossover Innovation レビュー
14:40 - 15:00 Oita Prefectural Kunisaki High School: School Overview / Course and Program Introduction 大分県立国東高等学校 学校案内 / コース・学科紹介
15:00 - 15:10 Coffee Break 休憩
15:10 - 16:25 Topic-Specific Panel Discussion テーマ別パネルディスカッション:地域連携 TBD
Present① Preserving and Implementing Shichitou Orchid, a Local Specialty of Kunisaki,into Daily Life Present① 国東特産七島蘭(しちとうい)の継承と日常生活実装
Present② Utilizing Local Resources as the Foundation for Food and Tourism Branding Present② 食と観光ブランディングの基盤となる地域資源の活用
Future① Oita Airport as the Gateway to Space: Creating the Closest Region to Space Future① 宇宙の玄関口、大分空港 宇宙に最も近い地域ができること
Future② Space as a Future Vision for Specific Regions: Innovative Agriculture Bridging Space and Earth Future② 具体的な地域の未来としての宇宙 宇宙と地球をまたぐ革新的な農業
16:25 - 16:30 Conclusion and Next Steps ネクストステップ/ クロージング TBD