
Living within the Framework or Deviating with Art Thinking : From diverse educational settings(枠組みの中で生きるか、それともアート的思考で逸脱するかー多様な教育現場の事例からー) 枠組みの中で生きるか、それともアート的思考で逸脱するかー多様な教育現場の事例からー(Living within the Framework or Deviating with Art Thinking : From diverse educational settings)

Surrounding us are various frameworks such as common sense and norms. Indeed, these may be essential for a peaceful and equitable society. However, deviating from these frameworks can also lead to personal growth and societal progress. In recent years, attention has been drawn to the concept of ‘Art Thinking,’ a mindset that involves thinking flexibly by challenging established frameworks radically .

In our session, we will discuss various educational practices, including Waldorf education, to re-examine the frameworks of contemporary society and consider the future of society, art, and education.


Dr. Cherng, Horn-Fay(Taiwan)
Dr. Cherng, Horn-Fay: Holds a Ph.D. in Education from Indiana University. Specializes in curriculum studies, qualitative research, action research, narrative inquiry, and Waldorf education. Widely published and currently serves as the Director of the Center for Waldorf Education.”

Dr. Nagata Yoshiyuki(Japan)
After working at the National Institute for Educational Policy Research and as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), appointed as a Professor in the Department of Education, Faculty of Liberal Arts, at the University of the Sacred Heart in 2007. Engages in research on themes such as “Creating a Rich Educational Society,” ESD, international understanding education, multicultural coexistence, alternative education, holistic education, and comparative education.

MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21K13568


Surrounding us are various frameworks such as common sense and ‘norms. Indeed, these may be essential for a peaceful and equitable society. However, deviating from these frameworks can also lead to personal growth and societal progress. In recent years, attention has been drawn to the concept of ‘Art Thinking,’ a mindset that involves thinking flexibly by challenging established frameworks radically .

In our session, we will discuss various educational practices, including Waldorf education, to re-examine the frameworks of contemporary society and consider the future of society, art, and education.

Dr. Cherng, Horn-Fay(Taiwan)
Dr. Cherng, Horn-Fay: Holds a Ph.D. in Education from Indiana University. Specializes in curriculum studies, qualitative research, action research, narrative inquiry, and Waldorf education. Widely published and currently serves as the Director of the Center for Waldorf Education.”

Dr. Nagata Yoshiyuki(Japan)
After working at the National Institute for Educational Policy Research and as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), appointed as a Professor in the Department of Education, Faculty of Liberal Arts, at the University of the Sacred Heart in 2007. Engages in research on themes such as “Creating a Rich Educational Society,” ESD, international understanding education, multicultural coexistence, alternative education, holistic education, and comparative education.

MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21K13568


  • Nagata Yoshiyuki
    University of the Sacred Heart, Prof. Dr. 聖心女子大学教授
  • Cherng Hornfay
    National Tsing Hua University, Prof. Dr. 国立清華大学教授
  • Yoshida Nahoko
    University of Tsukuba,Institute of Art and Design, Asst Prof. Dr. 筑波大学芸術系助教
  • McLeod Gary Roderick
    University of Tsukuba,Institute of Art and Design, Asst Prof. Dr. 筑波大学芸術系助教

