
New Era Opened Up by Doctoral Talent 博士人材が拓く新しい時代

The number of doctoral degree holders per capita in Japan (120/1 million) is about one-third of that in the U.K. and Germany, the two countries with the highest number of doctoral degree holders.
While financial support for doctoral students has begun to be enhanced to increase enrollment in graduate doctoral programs, the post-degree careers of these students are still far from sufficient. Under such circumstances, we will discuss what is required of industry, government, and academia for doctoral students to usher in a new era.

All those with an interest in fostering doctoral human resources and improving Japan’s research capabilities (regardless of affiliation, etc.)  are welcome to attend!
*Proceeds in Japanese with simultaneous interpretation in English

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  • Dr. Tohru YOSHIOKA
    Associate Professor Institute of Innovation Research Hitotsubashi University 一橋大学 イノベーション研究センター 准教授
  • Dr. Akiko MITO
    Unit Chief Office for Higher Education Policy, Higher Education Bureau Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) 文部科学省 高等教育局高等教育企画課 高等教育政策室大学院係長
  • Mr. Satoshi KAWAKAMI
    Director Industry=University Collaboration Office Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 経済産業省 産業技術環境局 大学連携推進室長
  • Dr. Yoichiro WADA
    President D4c Academy K.K. 株式会社D4cアカデミー 代表取締役社長
  • Mr. Yoku DATE
    President Business Research Lab, Inc. 株式会社ビジネスリサーチラボ 代表取締役
  • Dr. Takuya YOSHIHARA
    Professor, Deputy Director Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education Hokkaido University 北海道大学 大学院教育推進機構 副機構長 教授
  • Dr. Miwako HOMMA
    Vice President for Student Affairs University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 副学長(学生担当)


Time Table

時刻Time タイトルTitle スピーカーSpeaker 所属Affiliation
13:00 - 13:15 Opening remarks 開会の挨拶 Dr. Kyosuke NAGATA 永田 恭介 President University of Tsukuba 筑波大学学長
13:15 - 13:30 Description of the sponsor and co-sponser 主催ならびに共催の説明 Dr. Misako FUKUSHIMA 福嶋 美佐子 Assistant Professor Career Support Team, the Bureau of Human Empowerment University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 ヒューマンエンパワーメント推進局キャリア支援チーム 助教
13:30 - 14:00 Keynote speech 基調講演 Dr. Tohru YOSHIOKA 吉岡 徹 Associate Professor Institute of Innovation Research Hitotsubashi University 一橋大学 イノベーション研究センター 准教授
14:00 - 16:55 Panel discussion パネルディスカッション Speakers & Facilitator スピーカー&ファシリテーター
16:55 - 17:00 Closing remarks 閉会の挨拶 Dr. Kei OTA 太田 圭 Director General the Bureau of Human Empowerment University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 ヒューマンエンパワーメント推進局長